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Senior Solution Engineer, Mulesoft - Indonesia

Job Hero
  • Sales
    • Indonesia - Jakarta
  • Full time
  • JR280334


MuleSoft is looking for a motivated Solutions Engineer to join our extremely talented and collaborative Pre-Sales team. SEs are instrumental to MuleSoft’s growth in the ASEAN region. As a Solution Engineer, you will act as a trusted advisor to MuleSoft’s prospective customers by proving how MuleSoft’s Hyper-automation Platform can modernize IT and thereby allowing greater innovation. You will partner closely with Account Executives throughout the end-to-end sales cycle to qualify sales opportunities with regards to customer technical requirements, competition, decision-making process and funding. Through strong, developed relationships with the client’s IT staff and C-Level executives, you will leverage their deep technical expertise to align the client’s technical requirements to business outcomes.

What you’ll need to be successful:

  • Pre-Sales enterprise software experience, skillset to establish trust with clients, and ability to influence key decision makers in the sales cycle

  • Hands on experience with middleware, integration architecture patterns, web services technologies, enterprise messaging patterns, APIs, SOA, ESB, BPM etc.

  • Hands on development experience and ability to code and design APIs is essential

  • Experience with cloud technologies - iPaaS, SaaS applications, cloud infrastructure, etc. - is preferred

  • Experience building and delivering Proofs of Concept (PoCs) and responding to functional & technical elements of RFIs/RFPs independently and effectively

  • Ability to lead architectural discussions and workshops.

  • A passion for technology and translating that passion into business impact for customers

  • Excellent verbal communication, written communication, and presentation skills

  • Ability to travel as needed and to work flexible hours throughout the ASEAN region
    Ability to speak and write Bahasa (full professional proficiency) is required as Ability to communicate in English and Bahasa fluently to communicate with and serve Bahasa speaking customers.

What you’ll achieve:

3 months:

  • Become Mulesoft Developer certified

  • Complete MuleSoft’s SE trainings

  • Begin to build your architecture reframe and white-boarding skills through shadowing and customer-scenario role playing

  • Engage with AEs and Sales leaders. Shadow customer calls and engagements.

12 months:

  • Become certified in all Product, Architecture, and Sales Messaging trainings

  • Deliver product presentations and demonstrations that are tailored to the client’s technical requirements and audience

  • Develop Proofs of Concept (PoCs) as part of an account team to demonstrate the art of the possible

  • Put all the pieces together to “perfect your craft” by closing deals

  • Partner with Accounts Executives on account planning and strategy and support marketing with evangelism activities (writing blogs, participating in demo-driven webinars, speaking at industry events, etc.)

MuleSoft sedang mencari Solution Engineer yang termotivasi untuk bergabung dengan tim presales kami yang sangat berbakat dan kolaboratif. SE sangat penting bagi pertumbuhan MuleSoft di wilayah ASEAN. Sebagai Solution Engineer, Anda akan bertindak sebagai penasihat tepercaya bagi calon pelanggan MuleSoft dengan membuktikan bagaimana Platform Hyperautomation MuleSoft dapat memodernisasi IT dan dengan demikian memungkinkan inovasi yang lebih besar. Anda akan bermitra erat dengan Account Executive di seluruh siklus penjualan secara end-to-end untuk memenuhi syarat peluang penjualan sehubungan dengan persyaratan teknis pelanggan, persaingan, proses pengambilan keputusan, dan pendanaan. Melalui hubungan yang kuat dan berkembang dengan staf IT klien dan eksekutif C-Level, Anda akan memanfaatkan keahlian teknis mereka yang mendalam untuk menyelaraskan persyaratan teknis klien dengan hasil bisnis yang diinginkan.

Apa yang Anda perlukan untuk menjadi sukses:

  • Pengalaman sebagai presales pada perusahaan perangkat lunak, keahlian untuk membangun kepercayaan dengan klien, dan kemampuan untuk memengaruhi pengambil keputusan pada siklus penjualan

  • Pengalaman langsung dengan middleware, pola arsitektur integrasi, teknologi layanan web, pola pengiriman messaging, API, SOA, ESB, BPM, dll.

  • Pengalaman hands-on dalam pengembangan dan kemampuan untuk membuat kode dan mendesain API sangat penting

  • Pengalaman dengan teknologi cloud - iPaaS, aplikasi SaaS, infrastruktur cloud, dll. - lebih disukai

  • Pengalaman membangun dan memberikan Proofs of Concept (PoC) dan menanggapi elemen fungsional & teknis RFI / RFP secara mandiri dan efektif

  • Kemampuan untuk memimpin diskusi arsitektur dan workshop

  • Semangat untuk teknologi dan menerjemahkan semangat itu menjadi dampak bisnis bagi pelanggan

  • Komunikasi verbal, komunikasi tertulis, dan keterampilan presentasi yang sangat baik

  • Kemampuan untuk melakukan perjalanan sesuai kebutuhan dan bekerja dengan jam kerja yang fleksibel di seluruh wilayah ASEAN

Apa yang akan Anda capai:

Dalam 3 bulan:

  • Mendapatkan sertifikasi Mulesoft Developer

  • Menyelesaikan pelatihan SE MuleSoft

  • Mulai membangun keterampilan membingkai ulang arsitektur dan papan tulis Anda melalui shadowing dan permainan peran skenario pelanggan

  • Berinteraksi dengan para AE dan pemimpin Penjualan. Shadow call dan meeting dengan customer

Dalam 12 bulan:

  • Mendapatkan sertifikasi dalam semua pelatihan Produk, Arsitektur, dan Pesan Penjualan

  • Menyampaikan presentasi dan demonstrasi produk yang disesuaikan dengan persyaratan teknis dan audiens klien

  • Mengembangkan Proofs of Concept (PoC) sebagai bagian dari tim akun untuk mendemonstrasikan seni yang memungkinkan

  • Menyatukan semua bagian untuk "menyempurnakan keahlian Anda" dengan menutup kesepakatan

  • Bermitra dengan Eksekutif Akun dalam perencanaan dan strategi akun serta mendukung pemasaran dengan kegiatan penginjilan (menulis blog, berpartisipasi dalam webinar berbasis demo, berbicara di acara industri, dll.)

At Salesforce, we strive to create an accessible and inclusive experience for all candidates.

If you need a reasonable accommodation during the application or the recruiting process, please submit a request via this Accommodation Request Form. Please note that Salesforce uses an automated employment decision tool to help our recruiters assess and evaluate candidates’ resumes. If you do not want Salesforce to use this tool with your application, please submit a request via this form.

Equal Opportunity Statement.

At Salesforce we believe that the business of business is to improve the state of our world. Each of us has a responsibility to drive Equality in our communities and workplaces. We are committed to creating a workforce that reflects society through inclusive programs and initiatives such as equal pay, employee resource groups, inclusive benefits, and more. Learn more about Equality at and explore our company benefits at

Salesforce is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender perception or identity, national origin, age, marital status, protected veteran status, or disability status. Know your rights: workplace discrimination is illegal. Salesforce does not accept unsolicited headhunter and agency resumes. Salesforce will not pay any third-party agency or company that does not have a signed agreement with Salesforce.

Salesforce welcomes all.

In the United States, compensation offered will be determined by factors such as location, job level, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Certain roles may be eligible for incentive compensation, equity, and benefits. More details about our company benefits can be found at the following link:

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